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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy FAQs

Written By Skaggs Chiropractic on March 5, 2018

Skaggs Chiropractic Offers Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Healing

Our chiropractor serving the Joplin and the 4 State area, Dr. Skaggs, is committed to helping his patients heal through state of the art modalities to complement your regular chiropractic care. We have listened to and answered your questions on hyperbaric oxygen therapy. 


Frequently Asked Questions About Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a therapeutic treatment that aims to create an oxygen-rich environment to call upon the body’s innate healing capacity. You will relax in a total body hyperbaric chamber to receive this treatment. The environment is relaxing, you will not require any sedatives for this treatment and you will be able to drive yourself to and from therapy sessions. 

What pain could be alleviated through the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy?

This therapy is ideal for chronic injuries, chronic pain, fibromyalgia pain, arthritic pain, crushing injuries that result in pain and neuropathic pain. 

How many sessions should I be seen for in order to alleviate pain?

Headaches, Fibromyalgia, and chronic pain generally respond to between 20-40 sessions of treatment. A recent study showed that an average of 40 treatments for fibromyalgia resulted in lasting pain reduction and maintenance. Our chiropractor, Dr. Skaggs will determine the ideal number of sessions that will be most appropriate for your personal health concerns and pain condition at your visit. 

Can chiropractic care and hyperbaric oxygen therapy be combined to alleviate and treat my pain?

Yes. Our chiropractor, Dr. Skaggs will discuss a combination of sessions that will suit your particular health concern. Overall, chiropractic adjustments and hyperbaric oxygen complement one another. 

How can I make an appointment with Dr. Skaggs to see if this therapy is right for me?

Ready to join us for a healing session of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Joplin? Please call us to schedule your appointment now at 417.624.4242 to determine if you are a candidate for hyperbaric oxygen therapy. 


Wondering if your pain will respond to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? We look forward to meeting you soon to let you know how it can help ease your pain and bring you comfort!

Posted In: Chiropractic Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy