Why Us?
Choosing the right doctor of chiropractic is an important choice. Hey, We get it, We understand it. It's Your Body, It's Your Health and It's Always Your Choice.
We have prospective patients call our clinic all the time shopping for the best price for that first visit or how much for just an adjustment. If this is what you are searching for, please save yourself a phone call, I will tell you right now, Skaggs Chiropractic is not the cheapest. Think about it for a minute, do you really want the cheapest doctor taking care of you? Healthcare is just like anything else, you get what you pay for!
There are several doctors in the area that will do an adjustment without performing an examination. These doctors have a tendency to be the least expensive on the first visit. Their success rate is low and their reviews on the internet are few and far in between and generally, they are not rated very high either.
Then, there are chiropractors who are running a Special Introductory Offer, for x amount you get the first visit, which consists of your medical history being taken, an examination being performed and X-rays are obtained. You have now been enticed and they have accomplished getting you in the door. What they didn't tell you is that they won't treat you on the first visit, no matter how much pain you are in. And if you really glimpse at what is really happening, the doctor's assistant is shooting your X-rays and performing your examination. Now, the question is, who went to school to learn how to perform and interpret that examination, and shoot those X-rays, the doctor or the assistant?
Then there is the second visit, here comes this big report of findings, generally given by the assistant who goes over what all is wrong with you and informs you need 26 visits to put you back together. Then, you get to see the doctor.
Recently, in order to get their ratings up on the internet, a few doctors have started requesting the patient to rate their experience in their clinic before they have even seen the doctor.
Let's glance at what makes Skaggs Chiropractic, LLC different! At Skaggs Chiropractic, LLC we understand you have a choice. Your medical history, examination, and X-rays will be performed by Dr. Skaggs.
We understand that things happen to good people on the weekends and after hours. Dr. Skaggs is the only chiropractor in the area that has his cell phone number on the answering machine in the office. Yes, he is available to his patients for emergencies.
We don't accept every patient; we will tell you if you can benefit from our care. We want you to understand what the problem is and what it is going to take to correct it. We want the patient that is seeking a predictable outcome and wants a better quality of life. Your treatment plan will be customized for your condition. We promise not to put you on a punishing treatment schedule and no, we don't want your firstborn. We promise to treat you like family, in our clinic you are never just a number.
Our reviews on the internet speak for themselves. We want to earn your review too. Our patients come for the care, but they stay because we are family! Now, The Choice is Yours!